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The 2014 Living Future unConference will be held in Portland, Oregon on 21-23 May.

The 2014 Living Future unConference will be held in Portland, Oregon on 21-23 May.

Humans are nature. We do not live in straight lines. We are infinitely varied and constantly changing. Truly resilient and regenerative design recognizes this unbounded human experience. It feeds our souls along with our bodies. It leaves space for imaginations to soar, even as it shelters us from the wind and rain. We will only redefine our relationship to the resources we rely upon if we lead with love that truly profound beauty inspires.

Join us next May for Living Future 2014 in Portland. We’ll explore how beauty and inspiration can transform our movement and ourselves.

For further information about the 2014 Living Future unConference or to register, visit the website.

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