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FFWD016: Eduardo Langagne


The University of Auckland School of Architecture and Planning’s annual guest lecture series, Fast Forward, aims to foster debate, discussion and development within the disciplines of architecture, urban planning and urban design. There will be ten events taking place from July to October 2016.

Wednesday 28 September: 
Eduardo Langagne (UAM, Mexico City)
Mexico Today – Architectural Expressions of a Millennial Country

Engineering Lecture Theatre 439, 20 Symonds Street, 6.30pm.

Eduardo Langagne was born in Mexico City in 1939. After completing his PhD at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), he has designed housing complexes, workshop buildings, nurseries, hotels, offices, factories, hospitals and trade stores in Mexico, Guatemala, Chile and the USA. Notably, he has integrated more than 20 stained glass designs to his architecture. Presenting numerous lectures worldwide, he has published his reach on architecture through numerous books and articles.

In 2003, he received the “Mario Pani Award” from the Mexican Institute of Architects and, in 2008, the Ricardo de Robina Award from the Collegiate Federation of Mexican Architects. Currently he is a professor and researcher in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM, Mexico City). Langagne starts his talk with the vision of one of the oldest cultures (2,000 BC), then the 300 years of Spaniard dominium and finishes with architectural history of the XIX and XX centuries. In this talk he will also discuss the work of contemporary architects seeking a Mexican identity in a global world.

All lectures start at 6.30pm, are free and open to the public.

To register and view recordings visit:

The series is recognised by the New Zealand Institute of Architects as an accredited professional development activity, with each lecture attended earning 10 CPD points.

Fast Forward 2016 is supported by GIB and sponsored by the NZIA, The Warren Trust, Te Pūtahi and The University of Auckland Society.

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