Live stream: Catch Shigeru Ban and other inspiring architects at Designday Pro
A brand new addition to this year’s Designday Pro on Friday 24 March is an exciting live stream of a stellar line-up of international architects who are speaking at the one-day ArchitectureAP Symposium in Brisbane. The symposium explores the innovative thinking and transformative projects that are creating new world cities for the emerging Asian century.
Japanese architect and 2014 Pritzker Prize laureate Shigeru Ban will present a keynote address discussing his award-winning and humanitarian architecture. His visit to Australia coincides with the presentation of his famed paper tube disaster relief shelters in an exhibition at the Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation in Sydney from 25 March to 1 July.
The ArchitectureAP Symposium talks will be streamed live at three different Designday Pro venues:
- Designday Headquarters at White Studios, Burleigh Street, Eden Terrace
- Stoke Fireplace Studio at Eden Street, Newmarket
- Fisher & Paykel at the IMO showroom, Kenwyn Street, Parnell.
Attending the entire ArchitectureAP Symposium live-streaming earns 60 NZRAB points, and points are also available for partial attendance.
Accredited design professionals can register for free Designday passes here.

Programme of speakers below:
12.15 – 1pm
Sojung Lee and Sangjoon Kwak
Principals, OBBA
South Korea

1 – 1.30pm
Katherine Skipper
Principal, Warren and Mahoney
New Zealand

2 – 2.30pm
Milinda Pathiraja
Co-founder, Robust Architecture Workshop
Sri Lanka

2.30 – 3.15pm
Savinee Buranasilapin and Tom Dannecker
Founders, thingsmatter

3.15 – 3.45pm
Stephen Collier
Founder, Stephen Collier Architects
5 – 5.30pm
Ivan Harbour
Senior Partner, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
United Kingdom

5.30 – 6pm
Wenhui Lim
Founding director, Spark Architects

6.30 – 7pm
John Denton
Director, Denton Corker Marshall

7 – 7.45pm
Shigeru Ban
Founding director, Shigeru Ban Architects
The ArchitectureAP Symposium is presented by Architecture Media and AGM Publishing, and is part of the Asia Pacific Architecture Forum, which is taking place in Brisbane from 18 – 31 March 2017. Designday Pro is a satellite event of the Asia Pacific Architecture Forum.
The Asia Pacific Architecture Forum is a collaboration between founding partners Architecture Media and State Library of Queensland. Presenting partners are Artisan, Australian Institute of Architects, Brickworks, Brisbane Open House, Gap Filler, Garden Variety, Museum of Brisbane, Pecha Kucha Brisbane, The Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA), Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, University of Queensland School of Architecture and Queensland University of Technology Creative Industries.
For more information on the Asia Pacific Architecture Forum, visit
More information about Designday Pro here.