Apply now: Regional Historic Heritage Grant

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The terrace of shops on upper Queen Street received a Regional Historic Heritage grant from Auckland Council to assist with renewal of their degraded shop awnings.

The terrace of shops on upper Queen Street received a Regional Historic Heritage grant from Auckland Council to assist with renewal of their degraded shop awnings. Image: James D Richardson

The Regional Historic Heritage Grant Programme is open to individuals, iwi or Māori groups, community groups and trusts. Hurry, applications close 7 October 2024.

Funding priorities include conservation of regionally significant historic heritage places, at-risk historic heritage places (including initiatives which address the impacts of climate change), and applications supporting kaitiakitanga of Māori cultural heritage places.

The priority-cases supported by the grant are:

  • conservation of regionally significant historic heritage places, including within an historic area
  • conservation of at-risk historic heritage places, including initiatives that address the impacts of climate change
  • supporting kaitiakitanga (guardianship) of Māori cultural heritage places.

 Also considered are applications for these lower priorities: 

  • heritage interpretation such as for brochures and signs
  • completed projects or activities (retrospective funding).

“Auckland has many heritage places which all contribute to making Tāmaki Makaurau a unique and vibrant place. This grants programme offers a meaningful way for communities to restore, preserve and enhance heritage sites for the use and enjoyment of Aucklanders now and in years to come,” says Councillor Richard Hills, chair of Auckland Council’s Planning, Environment and Parks Committee.

More information about the Regional Historic Heritage Grants Programme and a link to apply can be found here.

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