Entries open for the 2021 Architectural Writing Awards

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The 2021 Warren Trust Awards for Architectural Writing will accept all types of writing for this year's entries.

The 2021 Warren Trust Awards for Architectural Writing will accept all types of writing for this year’s entries.

Entries are open for the 2021 Warren Trust Awards for Architectural Writing until 29 September 2021. There are three categories this year: Open, Rangatahi (ages 13-18) and a new category this year for younger entrants, Tamariki (up to age 13). The theme for this year’s entries is “houses and communities, whare and kāinga”. Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZIA notes, “You can write anything on this subject that means something to you, as long as it has something to do with architecture.”

The Awards criteria has also been loosened this year to allow for different kinds of writing beyond the essay, which has classically been the format for this programme. The NZIA reports that all forms of writing will be accepting including poetry and fiction to comics, creative non-fiction and humour.

The winner in the open category will receive a $2000 prize, with the Rangatahi and Tamariki category winners receiving $1000 and $500, respectively. The judges for this year’s competition will be Jade Kake (Ngāti Hau, Te Parawhau, Ngāpuhi, Te Whakatōhea,Te Arawa) – writer, architectural designer and director at Matakohe Design and Urbanism Whāngarei; Teuila Fuatai – an award-winning freelance journalist who specialises in social and cultural issues and one other to be announced. 

Send your entries to [email protected] by 11.59pm, 29 August 2021. See the full entry criteria and more information at nzia.co.nz.

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