Houses Revisited: Owhanake Bay House

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The Owhanake Bay house designed by Strachan Group Architects.

The Owhanake Bay house designed by Strachan Group Architects. Image: Patrick Reynolds

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On a coastal site Strachan Group Architects have designed a comfortable and appropriate dwelling, first published in 2012.

This is one of those happy occasions when a house is more properly called a home. On a coastal site, in a landscape progressively rehabilitated by the clients, the Architect has designed a comfortable and appropriate dwelling that is direct without being directional.

The house is generous and liveable, well ordered and well ventilated, and successfully integrated with its natural surroundings. Eminently fit for purpose, the house may have even exceeded expectations; if it has done so it is because the Architect and clients have clearly proceeded in sympathy. NZIA citation.

Owhanake Bay house by Strachan Group Architects is one of the four winners of the 2012 NZIA residential houses category.

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Note: These are stories from our archives and, since the time of writing, some details may have changed including names, personnel of specific firms, registration status, etc.

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