Interior Awards 2022, Emerging Design Professional Award Winner
Congratulations to this year's Emerging Design Professional Award winner - Raukura Turei of Monk MacKenzie.
The jury’s comment:
“Threading the multiple roles of mother, artist and architect throughout her work, Raukura’s collaborative and craft-based approach is both sensitive and powerful at once. Her work represents a direct translation of her navigation of matauranga Māori together with an innate understanding of the design tools available to express architecture and interiors in an artistic way. Her cohesive, holistic projects demonstrate a pursuit of excellence at the highest level, within both te ao Māori and the built environment. With her exceptional and remarkably grounded approach, Raukura is an inspiration, in the professional realm, to wāhine Māori, Māori and, indeed, to all of Aotearoa.” - Interior Awards 2022 jury.
Current design practice: Monk Mackenzie
Project involvement:
- Ōwairaka House
- Foodstuffs North Island HQ
- Te Mauri Paihere Ki Mangakōtukutuku
- Hopuhopu Papakāinga
“I am a multi-disciplinary artist, mother, architect and Principal at Monk Mackenzie Architects. As a graduate, I cut my teeth in the world of high-end residential architecture and performance spaces, under the wing of some great design mentors. I registered as an Architect with the NZRAB in 2015 while working at SLA. I have been a design tutor at the UofA alongside Lynda Simmons with a focus on kaupapa Māori and Moana Nui a Kiwa outcomes.” - Raukura Turei.
Watch the finalist’s presentation here:

With thanks to our Interior Awards 2022 sponsors. Find out more about each of our sponsors here.