Kiwi ingenuity on show at Structural Awards 2018
The Institution of Structural Engineers, an international membership organisation dedicated to supporting and protecting the profession of structural engineering, has recently announced the shortlist for its 2018 structural awards. New Zealand projects and firms are included in the shortlist, showcasing Kiwi ingenuity to the world.
New Zealand-based, international engineering firm Beca is a finalist in the Tall or Slender structures category for their project Duo, located in Singapore. Duo is a mixed-use development that includes two towers and a honeycomb-like façade. Judges said, “The resolution of variable form and load paths in this project demonstrates the ability of the structural engineer to take many different design challenges and resolve them into an apparently simple and buildable form.”

In Horotiu, the Perry Bridge by Holmes Consulting has been shortlisted in the Pedestrian Bridge category, the Outstanding Value category and the Construction Innovation category. The jury commended, “The bridge, which spans 130m over the River Waikato, was a crucial element in attracting public interest and support for the path. This beautiful arched bridge has captured the public imagination and its image, and the elegance of the design has helped significantly in the fundraising for the project.”
Holmes Consulting also provided the structural design for the Air Traffic Control Tower at Wellington Airport, which has been shortlisted in the Structures in Extreme Conditions category. The judges noted the feat of creating a structure that could withstand both earthquake and tsunami threats due to it’s location. They said, “These twin, but highly different, extreme load cases informed a unique composite structure, with concrete blade walls at lower levels supporting a concrete-filled CHS frame structure above, carrying the 360-degree operations cabin, all sitting on a base-isolation system.”

Jacob’s Ladder – a 34m high, 46 tonne sculpture in Makarau – won over the judges with its artistry combined with digital design; it has been shortlisted in the Small Project (of under £1 million) category. The structural design for the sculpture was provided by Dailes. “The judges were immediately impressed by the ambition of this sculpture and the powerful impact it has in the landscape,” the jury said.

Other projects involving extraordinary and intricate designs and engineering have made it on to the shortlist including the Louvre Abu Dhabi – a museum with a domed roof which is made up of 11,000 parts with over 2,000 connections – and the Tamina Canyon Crossing: a 417m long vehicle bridge that crosses 200m above a gorge in Switzerland.
See the full shortlist here. Winners will be announced 16 November 2018 in London.