Meet Luxaflex: Interior Awards 2021 sponsor

Introducing our 2021 Interior Awards sponsors: Luxaflex, providing sophisticated and stylish window coverings since the 1950s, has been sponsoring the Interior Awards for a decade. Find out more about what inspires the team.

Ellis Mitchell (General Manager), Bernie Hanrahan (Commercial Contractor), Sandy Wallace (Commercial Contractor) and Shane Harris (Commercial National Sales Manager).  Image:  David St George

This year marks the 10th year of the Interior Awards programme. What was your favourite interior project, anywhere in the world over the last decade?

Shane: The Fonterra Head Office, with its stunning natural-timber interior, combined with a fully automated/integrated shade solution from Luxaflex.

Bernie: There are a number of tenancies on the Commercial Bay project that are very inspiring.

In this last year of New Zealanders exploring our country, what was your favourite spot that you discovered (or rediscovered)?

Shane: Tawharanui Beach.

Sandy: We spent several weeks over Christmas exploring the Whiritoa Beach area in Coromandel. It was like stepping back in time to holidays as children – a lovely spot.

Bernie: Cape Foulwind above Westport in the South Island.

Tell us about one new skill or interest that you’ve acquired over this last crazy year?

Shane: Mastering the ZOOM meeting – formal up top, casual down low.

Sandy: Working from home – I love it!

Bernie: I finally joined the electronic age.

At a time when we’ve all binged many TV, books, podcasts and other media, what was your favourite find?

Shane: Peaky Blinders. I’m a latecomer to this one but it was well worth the wait.

Sandy: There’s been so much binge-watching this year; it’s hard to nominate one favourite. Maybe the prompt that comes up periodically “Are you still watching Netflix” … must get off this couch.

Bernie: It would have to be the Netflix series Schitt’s Creek, without a doubt.

Meet the rest of the Interior Awards sponsors here. And click here to enter your projects into this year’s Awards.

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