Social gallery: 2018 Interior Awards

Liliana Dori, Chris Stevens, Samantha Scrymgeour, Shamal Nanji, Summer Bishop, Olivia Owen, Yining Tan, Susie Easterbrook, Jessica Fox, Emily Cain (CTRL_Space) and Jonathan Templeman (Design Dairy). Image: Matt Hunt

Biran He (Crimson Education) and Patrick Loo (OPL); winner, Workplace up to 1,000m2 Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Daniel Weston, Ricky Lam, Dan McNelis and Georgie Baxter (Klein Architects); finalist, Retail Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Simon Masters, Mason McMahon, Bryn Howitt and Sam Bracey (dormakaba, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Matt Hunt

Bernard Makoare (Department of Internal Affairs), client of Studio Pacific Architecture for the He Tohu Document Room, winner of the Civic, Craftsmanship and Supreme Awards. Image: Matt Hunt

Hinerangi Himiona (Department of Internal Affairs), Evžen Novák (Studio Pacific Architecture) and Elke Thompson (Department of Internal Affairs); Civic, Craftsmanship and Supreme Award winner. Image: Matt Hunt

Andy Florkowski (RCG), winner, Workplace over 1,000m2 Award, with Sarah Florkowski. Image: Matt Hunt

Winner of the Emerging Design Professional Award Lauren Hickling (Warren and Mahoney) with her parents Kerry and Grant Hickling. Image: Matt Hunt

Liz Tjahjana and Kim Huynh (Patterson Architecture Collective), Biran He (Crimson Education), Patrick Loo (OPL) and Melanie Pau (Stevens Lawson Architects). Image: Matt Hunt

The team from Warren and Mahoney celebrating winning the Retail Award and Lauren Hickling being announced as the 2018 Emerging Design Professional. Image: Matt Hunt

Andy Flowkowski, Ceili Murphy and John Lenihan (RCG); winner, Workplace over 1,000m2 Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Sara Morles, Anslem Emmanuel, Antony Douglas, Amy Chang, Tanya Timo, Gabrielle Cassin, Anna Lyubchikova, Aaron McMillan, Prue Gilbert and John Gilbert (WorkScape, Cite and Kada, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Matt Hunt

Erika Rodriguez, Katie Garton, Kristin Mischler, Debbie Quy, Heather Ogden-Handa and Millie Clarke (ECC, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Matt Hunt

Hinerangi Himiona (Department of Internal Affairs), Lisa Webb (Studio Pacific Architecture), Evžen Novák (Studio Pacific Architecture), Rob Stevens (Department of Internal Affairs), Elke Thompson (Department of Internal Affairs) and Bernard Makoare (Department of Internal Affairs); winner, Supreme, Civic and Craftsmanship Awards. Image: Matt Hunt

Nick Warring (Warren and Mahoney) and Harvey Duncan (Opus); finalist, Civic Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Scott Compton, Lauren Hickling, Aaron O’Hagan and Seth Baguion (Warren and Mahoney). Image: Matt Hunt

William Giesen, Cecile Bonnifait (Bonnifait & Giesen), finalist, Civic Award with Hamish Shaw (Hamish Shaw Architects) and Phil Williams. Image: Matt Hunt

Phil Williams and Hamish Shaw (Hamish Shaw Architects); finalist, Craftsmanship Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Matt Moss (Unique Creative), Tim Andrewes (Cubicon), Andy Barnett (Unique Creative), Mark Wills (Omni Health), Rachael Rush, Daniel Weston, Georgie Baxter, Dan McNelis and Ricky Lam (Klein Architects); finalist, Hospitality Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Joanne Aitken (Atelier Aitken); finalist, Installation Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Emcee Jesse Griffin speaks with Federico Monsalve (editor, Interior magazine). Image: Matt Hunt

Liv Patience, Ashley Gu, Anna Douglas, Olivia McNeil, Toni Brandso, Jamie Aspinall, Phil Austen and Liv Mcfarlane (Material Creative); winner, Hospitality Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Corbin Child, Rachel Berry (University of Auckland), finalist, Student Award and Emily Wood. Image: Matt Hunt

Dmitry Rusakov (St Matthew-in-the-City) and German Yakushkin. Image: Matt Hunt

Plantscaping by the team at Outside In. Image: Matt Hunt

Sean Price, Alex Han, Nina Worby, Georgia Simpson, Mikayla Roadhouse and Colette McCartney (GHDWoodhead creativespaces); finalist, Workplace over 1,000m2 Award. Image: Matt Hunt

McLeod’s Brewery provided a wide selection of delicious beers. Image: Matt Hunt

Tracy Halpin (BCI New Zealand), Pam Feeney, Kim Jarman and Dennis Grantham (Luxaflex, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Matt Hunt

Emily Cain (CRTL_Space), finalist, Emerging Design Professional Award with Arren Keenan and Jessica Fox (CTRL_Space). Image: Matt Hunt

Liv Patience (Material Creative), Steve Aschebrock (Inzide, Interior Awards sponsor), Toni Brandso (Material Creative)and Liz Rickard-Bell. Image: Matt Hunt

Margarita Serova and Robert Stone (Lundia, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Matt Hunt

John Gilbert (Kada, Interior Awards sponsor) and Sarah Bryant (Jasmax). Image: Matt Hunt

Young Do, Justin Roderique and Gemma Hazlett (Pennant and Triumph); finalist, Hospitality Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Ryan McKenzie (Resene, Interior Awards sponsor) enjoying a beer from McLeod’s brewery. Image: Matt Hunt

Guests enjoyed fantastic Mt Difficulty wines. Image: Matt Hunt

The emcees for the night Jackie van Beek and Jesse Griffin. Image: Matt Hunt

Editor of Interior magazine and convenor of the Interior Awards Jury Federico Monsalve. Image: Matt Hunt

Emcees Jackie van Beek and Jesse Griffin. Plantscaping by event partners Outside In. Image: Matt Hunt

Kim Paton (Interior Awards Jury), Alistair Pope, Gina Hochstein, Lisa Webb (Studio Pacific Architecture) and Sophie Jerram. Image: Matt Hunt

Adam Sutton with Ashley Cusick (editor, ArchitectureNow). Image: Matt Hunt

Clark Bardsley, winner, Installation Award with Megan Bardsley. Image: Matt Hunt

Annie Tong (University of Auckland); winner, Student Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Victor Gin provided amazing cocktails for the evening. Image: Matt Hunt

Jonathan Hewlett, Liberty Haselden, Shane Bott and Barrington Gohns (Warren and Mahoney); winner, Retail Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Emily Cain (CTRL_Space); finalist, Emerging Design Professional Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Kim Huynh and Liz Tjahjana (Patterson Architecture Collective); finalist, Retail Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Liv Patience, Toni Brandso and Olivia Macfarlane (Material Creative); winner, Hospitality Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Shirley Chin (Jasmax), Rachael Child (ATEED), Tim Hooson, Valentina Machina, Melanie Kassian and Patricia Lai (Jasmax); finalist, Workplace over 1,000m2 Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Patricia Lai (Jasmax); finalist, Emerging Design Professional Award. Image: Matt Hunt

Many thanks to our 2018 Interior Awards sponsors.

A special thanks to our event partners.
Almost 400 designers, architects, sponsors and judges came out to celebrate the best of New Zealand’s commercial interiors. Award-winning comedians Jesse Griffin and Jackie van Beek brought plenty of laughs and the night was not complete without our event partners, Mt Difficulty wines, McLeod’s Brewery beers and cocktails from Victor Gin. Motion graphic artists Mulk put on a spectacular display of projection mapping on the walls of the church.
See all the winners of the 2018 Interior Awards here. Flick through the gallery of social pictures from the night above, and check out the video of highlights below.