Social gallery: 2019 Interior Awards

Cameron Pollock (Jasmax) and James Grose (BVN); winner, Supreme Award and Workplace over 1,000m2 Award. Image: Jamie Bowering

Michael Leng (Wingate Architects), Sebastian Negri (Designworks), Clark Pritchard (Peddle Thorp), Naomi Rushmer and Erini Compton (Designworks). Image: Jamie Bowering

The team from Warren and Mahoney with Edward Ge, winner of the Student Award. Image: Jamie Bowering

Meg Rowntree (Unispace). Image: Jamie Bowering

Simon Priddy (Lumino The Dentists), Toni Brandso (Material Creative), Josh Stent (Lumino The Dentists), Liv Patience and Jaime Davis (Material Creative, winner, Retail Award). Image: Jamie Bowering

Michael Leng and David Wingate (Wingate Architects, finalist, Workplace over 1,000m2 Award). Image: Jamie Bowering

McLeod’s Brewery provided a wide selection of delicious beers. Image: Jamie Bowering

Nanette Cameron was honoured with the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Interior Awards. Image: Jamie Bowering

Xavier Apelinga, Sarah Hong, Holly Campbell, Seth Baguion, Keri Cunliffe, Asha Page and Robbie Kerr (Warren and Mahoney). Image: Jamie Bowering

Editor of Interior magazine and convenor of the Interior Awards jury Federico Monsalve. Image: Jamie Bowering

Steve Aschebrock, Fiona Stewart, Jarrod Langstone, Mike Long, Crystal Crawford, Craig Meinsmith and Jeremy Jarman (Inzide Commercial, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Jamie Bowering

Kristin Mischler, Heather Ogden-Handa and Talia Indyk (ECC, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Jamie Bowering

Dave Strachan (Strachan Group Architects, Interior Awards judge), Ryan McKenzie (Resene, Interior Awards sponsor), Federico Monsalve (AGM), Maggie Hubert, Sam Caradus, Vanessa Coxhead and Ken Crosson (Crosson Architects). Image: Jamie Bowering

Jessica Snook, Lyndsay McCarthy (Schneider Electric), Joanne Duggan (NZGBC), Robert Knight, Jared Dinneen and Julieta Gagna (Schneider Electric, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Jamie Bowering

Sheree Garden (Niche flooring) and Andy Florkowski (RCG, finalist, Craftsmanship Award). Image: Jamie Bowering

Abdallah Alayan (finalist, Student Award) with his sister, Haneen Alayan. Image: Jamie Bowering

Geir Jong and Dan Kempka (Warren and Mahoney, finalist, Workplace over 1,000m2 Award). Image: Jamie Bowering

Kim Jarman, Sandy Wallace and Ellis Mitchell (Luxaflex, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Jamie Bowering

Kate Henderson and Keri Cunliffe (Warren and Mahoney, winner, Workplace up to 1,000m2 Award). Image: Jamie Bowering

Thank you to our 2019 Interior Awards sponsors.

Cameron Pollock (Jasmax), James Grose (BVN) and Federico Monsalve (AGM). Image: Jamie Bowering

Erini Compton (Designworks, finalist, Workplace up to 1,000m2 Award) and Scott Compton (Warren and Mahoney, finalist, Workplace over 1,000m2 Award). Image: Jamie Bowering

Gabby Cassin, Ingrid Nicholson, Kerry Thomas, Amy Armstrong, Jasmine Thompson, Kate Gilbert, Slim Emmanuel and Janoo Patel (Kada, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Jamie Bowering

Guests received a copy of the latest Interior magazine, which features full coverage of the Awards winners. Image: Jamie Bowering

Ken Crosson and Sam Caradus (Crosson Architects, finalist, Emerging Design Professional Award). Image: Jamie Bowering

Nathan Varga (Knight Associates), Mark Craven and Yigiu Hong (Monk McKenzie); winner, Hospitality Award. Image: Jamie Bowering

Nanette Cameron and Kirsty Cameron. Image: Jamie Bowering

Award-winning wine was provided by Mt Difficulty. Image: Jamie Bowering

Jarrod Langstone (Inzide Commercial, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Jamie Bowering

Jessica Walker and Josh Dean (Bureaux Ltd, winner, Residential Award). Image: Jamie Bowering

Kriten Basra (Spatial Studio, winner, Emerging Design Professional Award) and Shannan Golding (Interior Awards). Image: Jamie Bowering

Roger Graham and Richard Naish (RTA Studio, winner, Civic Award). Image: Jamie Bowering

Vospertron provided entertainment with their unique neon dancing. Image: Jamie Bowering

Amanda Deane, Brenda Higgins (Nanette Cameron Design Guild), Penny Vernon (Vernon Design), Nanette Cameron, Kirsty Cameron and Jerry Hetet (Nanette Cameron Design Guild). Image: Jamie Bowering

Edward Ge, winner, Student Award. Image: Jamie Bowering

Artisan gin and tonics were provided by Victor Gin. Image: Jamie Bowering

The 2019 event was held at the MOTAT Aviation Display Hall. Image: Jamie Bowering

Amanda Deane (Nanette Cameron Design Guild), Penny Vernon (Vernon Design), Nanette Cameron and Federico Monsalve (AGM). Image: Jamie Bowering

Josh Dean (Bureaux Ltd). Image: Jamie Bowering

Award-winning comedians Jesse Griffin and Jackie van Beek returned to emcee the evening for the second year in a row. Image: Jamie Bowering

Aaron O’Hagan, Seth Baguion, Keri Cunliffe, Kate Henderson and Scott Compton (Warren and Mahoney). Image: Jamie Bowering

The 2019 Awards were attended by over 400 architects, designers, sponsors, judges and industry professionals. Image: Jamie Bowering

Ben Hayes (RTA Studio). Image: Jamie Bowering

Kirsty Mitchell (Walker Mitchell, finalist, Hospitality Award) and Ranalde Baker (Kada, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Jamie Bowering

Mark Lipman (AGM) and Lance Mitchell (Luxaflex, Interior Awards sponsor). Image: Jamie Bowering

Kirsty Addison (Walker Mitchell). Image: Jamie Bowering

Many thanks to this year’s event partners.
Over 400 people attended the 2019 Interior Awards: architects, designers, sponsors and judges came out to celebrate New Zealand’s most innovative interiors. Award-winning comedians Jesse Griffin and Jackie van Beek were the emcees for the night and delivered plenty of laughs. The night would not have been complete without our event sponsors Mt Difficulty wines, McLeod’s Brewery beers and the aptly-named Hurricane cocktails from Victor Gin. Entertainment for the evening came from Vospertron with their unique neon dance performance.
Click here to see all the winning projects from the Awards and swipe through the gallery of social pictures above. Relive the night with our video of highlights below: