Social pics: NZ Architecture Awards

Hon Paul Goldsmith with Aaron Sills. Image: David St. George

Sold-out gala evening at the Auckland War Memorial Museum. Image: David St. George

Hon Dr Nick Smith. Image: David St. George

Yvette Collins from Resene with Athfield’s Jaime Lawrence. Image: David St. George

New Zealand Architecture Awards guests. Image: David St. George

Richard Cole and Julie Stout celebrates Te Uru winning the Public Architecture category award. Image: David St. George

Team from Fearon Hay. Image: David St. George

Stuart Gardyne celebrates winning the Gold Medal. Image: David St. George

Tony van Raat enjoys the evening. Image: David St. George

Guests have a laugh at the awards. Image: David St. George

The MC of the night, Hilary Barry. Image: David St. George

Peter Stutchbury, Lindley Naismith and David Mitchell share a moment. Image: David St. George

2015 Gold Medallist Stuart Gardyne. Image: David St. George

Nicholas Stevens of Stevens Lawson Architects celebrates winning the New Zealand Architecture Medal. Image: David St. George

New Zealand Architecture Medal winners Stevens Lawson Architects accept the medal. Image: David St. George

Michael O’Sullivan, winner of the Sir Ian Athfield Award for Housing. Image: David St. George

The team from Sheppard and Rout, winners of the Sir Miles Warren Award for Commercial Architecture. Image: David St. George

Nick Nightingale celebrates 25 years of Resene sponsoring the New Zealand Architecture Awards. Image: David St. George

The RTA Studio team and friends celebrate. Image: David St. George

Queensland architect Damian Eckersley, part of the jury for 2015, points out that Neil Finn is also a fan of Stevens Lawson’s architecture. Image: David St. George

Damian Eckersley, Sharon Jansen and Jeremy Smith; three out of four of the 2015 jury. Image: David St. George

Architects, artists and designers get into the swing. Image: David St. George

Wingate + Farquhar and friends. Image: David St. George

Stuart Gardyne with family and colleagues. Image: David St. George

Guests enjoy a light-hearted moment. Image: David St. George

Photographer Patrick Reynolds and John Walsh of the NZIA strike a pose. Image: David St. George
The New Zealand Architecture Awards took place at the Auckland War Memorial Museum on the evening of Friday 30 October. Twenty-eight projects were rewarded across a range of categories, and for the first time in 2015, three Signature Awards in the housing, commercial and public architecture categories were also presented. The sold-out gala evening was MCed by Hilary Barry.
See the slideshow above for a range of social photos from the evening.