Sun, sea, sand: top 5 beach houses of 2017
Most Kiwis are essentially summer people and there's often nothing more we cherish than time spent at the bach eating, fishing, swimming and relaxing. That 'classic New Zealand summer' we all look forward to each year and talk about for many months later is a crucial part of our psyche.
Beach houses of all types in many different locations across the country are often some of the most read pieces on ArchitectureNow, for good reason! Here, we round up five of the best from 2017.
1. Bethells Bach by Herbst Architects
This modest 150m2 bach really blurs the lines between indoors and out, with two covered decks that encourage dining al fresco. A mix of timbers and stone are the predominant materials used, with crazy paving covering the floor of the lounge. This pared-back form appears simple but on further inspection is full of clever, subtle design features. More…

2. Mahurangi House by McKinney+Windeatt Architects
A low-lying building with floor-to-ceiling glazing that allows idyllic views of the bay, this holiday home features an inverted butterfly roof. A large courtyard has been added on the hilly side of the house to get maximum sun and shelter, while the interior has an understated palette of timbers, rustic metals, stone and concrete. More…

3. Pauanui Beach House by Sumich Chaplin Architects
Designed to accomodate three growing families on a rather busy, public site, this house is nestled next to a large pōhutukawa tree. Horizontal screening on the front facade creates privacy and brings a soft filtered light into the interiors, which are purposefully kept simple, with a restful palette of netural colours. More…

4. Moetapu Bay Beach House by Parsonson Architects
Situated in one of New Zealand’s most stunning natural spots, Pelorus Sounds, this large holiday home works its way down the bush-clad hill in such a way that you can enter from several locations. A secluded courtyard in the middle of the complex allows for sheltered entertaining and to make the most of the summer breeze, the doors to the living/dining area can be opened right up. More…

5. Pourerere Beach House by Judi Keith-Brown
A bach that was beyond repair has been replaced with a new house that fits in with its relaxed neighbours in the small coastal settlement of Pourerere in the Hawke’s Bay. Featuring a simple, social layout and a combination of modern materials, the house has a large louvred deck for easy outdoor living and great sea views. More…

For the top 5 houses of 2017, see here.