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<em>The Refusal of Time</em> combines the magic of theatre, film, sculpture, drawing, music and dance.

The Refusal of Time combines the magic of theatre, film, sculpture, drawing, music and dance. Image: Supplied

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The exhibition is on at City Gallery Wellington until 16 November 2014.

The exhibition is on at City Gallery Wellington until 16 November 2014. Image: Supplied

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Scenes from the exhibition.

Scenes from the exhibition. Image: Supplied

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The work of Johannesburg-born artist William Kentridge, The Refusal of Time, combines the magic of theatre, film, sculpture, drawing, music and dance. His 30-minute, five-channel video installation addresses the elusive nature of time and our political and personal efforts to control or deny it. Kentridge addresses different ways of understanding and measuring time (from Newton to String Theory) and combines different cinematic processes.

The exhibition is on at City Gallery Wellington until 16 November 2014.

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