Dr Karamia Müller is a Pacific academic specialising in indigenous space concepts. Currently a lecturer at the School of Architecture and Planning, Creative Arts and Industries, University of Auckland, her research specialises in the meaningful ‘indigenisation’ of design methodologies invested in building futures resistant to inequality.
Karamia Müller muses on centring Māoridom: “My answer is: we must try and, when we get it wrong, we must be open to correction with humility.”
Karamia Müller notes: “Architecture does touch everybody. This is its ecstasy. And it is this quality that makes the debates underpinning the profession, the practices and the community of practitioners so compelling and critical.”
As a sort of homage to the late architect and New Yorker Michael Sorkin and his book Twenty Minutes in Manhattan, columnist Karamia Müller muses on her 20-minute walking commute through the City of Sails.
In light of this exhibition that maps violent events in Aotearoa, these two architectural academics discuss the links between the built environment, violence and legislation.
Indigenous knowledge systems will be vital in managing our planet’s complex future challenges and Indigenous voices are critical to flourishing built environments. It is urgent and necessary to hear them.