Digital advertising specifications
ArchitectureNow website display advertising
• Leaderboard: 728 (w) × 90 (h) px
• Large rectangle: 300 (w) × 600 (h) px
• Medium rectangle: 300 (w) × 250 (h) px
JPG, PNG, GIF and HTML5. Maximum file size 900 KB.
3rd-party tags are not accepted for large rectangles, 3oo (w) x 600 (h) px.
If submitting HTML5, please follow these HTML5 requirements from Google Ad Manager
ArchitectureNow EDM display advertising
EDM creatives can be submitted in JPG, PNG, and animated GIF only. If using animated GIF, please ensure your offer and call to action is in the first frame, as Microsoft Outlook will not play the animation beyond this point. Other email clients will play your animation as normal. Only EDM leaderboards may be animated GIFs, all other paid spots must be static images. Flash is not accepted.
EDM leaderboard
Image: 728 (w) × 90 (h) px, JPG/PNG/animated GIF, File size less than 1 MB
Target URL
Material with a white background should be supplied with a keyline border.
ArchitectureNow Sponsored Product
Image: 594 (w) × 495 (h) px, JPG/PNG, File size less than 1 MB
Product name
Company name
Target URL
ArchitectureNow Sponsored Post
Image: 594 (w) × 495 (h) px, JPG/PNG, File size less than 1 MB
Target URL
Body text (up to 300 characters, including spaces)
Sponsored post copy will be edited to conform to our house style, and cut to length if it exceeds the word limit.
Material Submission
For more information and material submission email our Digital Coordinator at