Tag: New Zealand Institute of Architects
2018 New Zealand Architecture Awards
The New Zealand Institute of Architects has named the winners of its 2018 awards.

Review: 2018 Sir Ian Athfield Lecture
Camille Khouri reports back from the 2018 Sir Ian Athfield Memorial lecture in Queenstown, given by Allison Arieff.

2018 Festival of Architecture: Wrap-up
Find out what happened during the final weekend of this year’s Festival of Architecture at events around New Zealand.

Ian Athfield Lecturer: Allison Arieff
Meet the Ian Athfield Lecturer, who will be giving talks in three cities as part of the 2018 Festival of Architecture.

Festival of Arch. programme preview
See some of the events coming to cities near you from 14 to 23 September as part of this annual NZIA festival.

NZ Arch Awards 2018 shortlist announced
The New Zealand Institute of Architects announces the 48 finalists in the running to be among this year’s best buildings.

Entries open: 2018 essay competition
The New Zealand Institute of Architects is calling for entries to this year’s architectural essay competition.

2018 Southern Architecture Awards
The Canterbury branch of the New Zealand Institute of Architects honoured innovation and restoration at their local awards.

2018 Canterbury Architecture Awards
The Canterbury branch of the New Zealand Institute of Architects honoured innovation and restoration at their local awards.

Tim Melville elected as NZIA president
The New Zealand Institute of Architects announces a new president.

2018 Nelson/Marlborough Arch Awards
The New Zealand Institute of Architects celebrated the old and the new at the Nelson/Marlborough Architecture Awards.

2018 Western Architecture Awards
The New Zealand Institute of Architects names the winners of the Western Architecture Awards.

2018 Auckland Architecture Awards
Winners of the Auckland Architecture Awards are named by the New Zealand Institute of Architects.

2018 Gisborne/HB/BoP/Waikato Arch Awards
The New Zealand Institute of Architects names the best projects in the Gisborne/Hawkes Bay & Waikato/Bay of Plenty regions.

2018 Wellington Architecture Awards
The best builds in the Wellington region have been announced by the New Zealand Institute of Architects.

Festival of Architecture 2018
Calendar |
Public Event
14 Sep 2018 to 23 Sep 2018
The New Zealand Institute of Architects hosts this celebration of architecture and design in cities around New Zealand.
The New Zealand Institute of Architects hosts this celebration of architecture and design in cities around New Zealand.

Festival of Architecture: AKL report
Joanna Hurst reports on Auckland’s happenings as part of the Festival of Architecture, with photography by Joe Hockley.

Video: Andrew Patterson
Watch the New Zealand Institute of Architects’ video on the 2017 Gold Medal winner, Andrew Patterson of Patterson Associates.

2017 Ted McCoy Award
With Te Wharehou o Waikaremoana, Tennent Brown Architects has designed a highly sensitive contextual response.

2017 Sir Miles Warren Award
Patterson Associates has created a sensory experience within a modern castle overlooking Lake Taupo and its surrounds.