Tag: Civic
New Parliament buildings achieve 6 Green Star design rating
Studio Pacific Architecture’s Ballantrae Place Building and Museum Street Building were awarded a 6 Green Star rating for their design.

The craft of layering narrative
Trudie Bradbourne explores the layers of cultural history embodied in Te Whare Hononga, in Ngāmotu New Plymouth, by Tennent Brown Architects.

Façade art enhances new convention centre
Two of the largest pieces of public art ever created in New Zealand — one an encompassing glass artwork, and the other a 32 metre high tiled wall — adorn the NZICC opening 2025.

Civic welcome
Felicity Brenchley explores the collaborative design process behind Whangārei’s new civic centre, Te Iwitahi, by Team Architects Auckland.

New renders visualise the proposed Te Tōangaroa stadium by global firm HKS in collaboration with Ngāti Whatua Ōrākei and local design partners Buchan and TOA.

Takanini’s new boutique entertainment hub
Building on South Auckland’s growing reputation as a foodie destination, Derby Square, Auckland’s newest entertainment and eatery precinct, is set to open in March 2024.

Tauranga’s new $303mil civic precinct
Plans are revealed for Te Manawataki o Te Papa in Tauranga, a ‘once-in-a-generation project’ that will see a vibrant new cultural hub created in the city’s centre.

Linking two culturally significant buildings
Studio Pacific Architecture and co-design partners Tihei have designed a link bridge enabling structure between the National Library and new Archives building.

Wellington’s new convention centre, Tākina, has officially opened
After nearly three years of construction, Wellington’s new convention centre Tākina is officially open.

Towards child-centred design
Evžen Novák explores the structural and clinical complexities and patient focus of Wellington’s new children’s hospital Te Wao Nui — ‘The Great Forest’ by Studio Design + Architecture.

Waikato Theatre connects to river
Work has begun on Kirikiriroa Hamilton’s new performing arts centre, designed by Jasmax in collaboration with British theatre design consultants Charcoalblue’s Melbourne studio.

One year on: Motueka’s net zero community hub
Jerram Tocker Barron Architects Motueka Public Library is a sustainable net-zero building that fulfilled a complex brief for just under 3.8 million.

Sylvia Park precinct’s new outdoor living room
Woods Bagot and Peddlethorp, together with an urban design team from Boffa Miskell have reimagined the arrival to Sylvia Park Shopping Centre as an “outdoor living room”.

Te Matapihi upgrade set to proceed
Plans have been unveiled for a restrengthened Te Matapihi ki te Ao Nui Central Library in Wellington’s Te Ngākau Civic Precinct, the design led by Athfield Architects.

Shaping a richer culture
Dorita Hannah explores Diocesan School for Girls’ basilica-like Performing Arts Centre by McIldowie Partners in association with Upton Architects and what it highlights about the value of theatre in Auckland Tāmaki Makaurau.

A taniwha awakes
Felicity Wallace contemplates the Te Matapihi Bulls Community Centre by Architecture Workshop and finds a building full of wonderful ideas – some, such as its adjacent public square, yet to be completed.

Whare meets verandah
In the Hihiaua Cultural Centre by Moller Architects, Mike Austin finds an example of modest, bicultural architecture, which is well-grounded in the local.

Te Ao Mārama: Exit at the hokohoko
In the last in our series, Amanda Harkness visits Te Ao Mārama’s retail and hospitality offerings, designed by Ignite in association with Studio Pasifika, and Jack McKinney Architects, and finds evidence of artful adaptation and reuse.

Te Ao Mārama: A new order
The second in our series: Chris Barton contemplates the new column-fins of Te Ao Mārama’s design and their connection to the nautilus shell spiral and the golden mean.

Te Ao Mārama: Ripe and bursting at the seams
Albert Refiti discusses the vitality of naming, the cross-cultural myth-histories and the moana architecture of this makeover by Jasmax, FJMT and designTRIBE at the Auckland War Memorial Museum.