Tag: Construction

Earth, Straw and More in the 21st Century
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Conference, Auckland,
27 Sep 2011
A conference hosted by Min Hall, as part of Future Proof 2011, about the performance and potential for natural and alternative building materials.
A conference hosted by Min Hall, as part of Future Proof 2011, about the performance and potential for natural and alternative building materials.

RMLA Conference : Our place in the world: hei whakapae ururoa
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Conference, Hamilton,
6 Oct 2011
The 2011 conference will include key note and workshop sessions that address the developing co-management regime within the region, particularly regarding decisions affecting the Waikato River and its catchment.
The 2011 conference will include key note and workshop sessions that address the developing co-management regime within the region, particularly regarding decisions affecting the Waikato River and its catchment.

You Are Here: Mapping Auckland
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Public Event, Auckland,
30 Sep 2011 to 9 Mar 2012
This exhibition of maps, dating back to the 1800s, shows how Auckland has been planned, projected, organised, arranged and designed many times over.
This exhibition of maps, dating back to the 1800s, shows how Auckland has been planned, projected, organised, arranged and designed many times over.

NZIOB Winstone Wallboards Awards 2011
The Awards recognise excellence of individuals or teams engaged in the building industry.

Fixing the notorious Muldoon Corner
NZTA has been trying to make the road over Rimutaka Hill, with notorious Muldoon’s Corner, safer.

Green City Dialogues
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Conference, Christchurch,
25 Aug 2011 to 18 Oct 2011
This conference series aims to facilitate discussions around the key issues of rebuilding Christchurch.
This conference series aims to facilitate discussions around the key issues of rebuilding Christchurch.

Energy-efficient bach
An energy-efficient bach designed by Victoria University students is a finalist in a United States Government competition.

Future of New Zealand’s prefab industry
A look at the future of the prefab industry and recent innovative prefab projects.

Auckland Art Gallery redevelopment
After a redevelopment involving one million man hours of work, the Auckland Art Gallery is almost complete.

Dulux factory upgrade
In a cooperative contract between Hawkins and Dulux/Orica, paint manufacturing continued throughout moving all its production.

Britomart’s brand new car park
A new 1230 space car park has just been built by Hawkins. It was the biggest use of post-tension concrete in New Zealand.

Training camp for Royal New Zealand Navy
A new training camp for the Royal New Zealand Navy threw up some interesting challenges for constructors.

Building a house on sand
Architect Andrew Sexton is building one of his designs on sand at Peka Peka.

Building Auckland’s new Q Theatre
It’s been a long road getting the Q Theatre project off the ground, but Auckland’s newest theatre will soon be ready.