Plan and section

Plan and section

People | Pip Cheshire finds the world of creative endeavour is one sometimes beset with angst, false starts, revisions and abandoned variations.
The size of things

The size of things

People | Pip Cheshire on how to navigate the betterment of public spaces “our new living rooms” with measuring tape in hand and an observant eye.
To review or listen?

To review or listen?

People | Karamia Müller on the role of the architectural reviewer to not only appraise architecture based on its design merits but its wider transformative impact.
Living history

Living history

Practice | Architecture New Zealand editor Chris Barton on the ensuing debacle recently imposed housing intensification regulations will unleash on residential areas in Auckland city.
Editorial: Chris Barton on no more blah, blah, blah

Editorial: Chris Barton on no more blah, blah, blah

Practice | Rays of hope emanated from the COP26 ‘Build Better Now’ virtual pavilion, showcasing 17 “exemplary sustainable projects” and explaining the ways in which construction has contributed to climate change and how future buildings could be less carbon intensive.
Bolthole by the lake

Bolthole by the lake

Review | Kengo Kuma and local surrogates Rough and Milne mastermind “hummocky” design for Peter Thiel’s proposed luxury lodge on the shores of Lake Wānaka.