Tag: Opinion
A touch of the architecture
Karamia Müller considers the role of her profession in imagining a better future for Aotearoa.

Do not go gentle…
Pip Cheshire believes the architecture profession can sometimes be complicit in the suppression of dreams.

Oh God, I hate this
Chris Barton considers King Charles III’s influence on architecture to date and finds it’s not all bad.

David Trubridge on colonialism, capitalism and how to think like a tree
World-renowned designer David Trubridge believes we must decolonise our mindset and indigenise architecture, learning to think more like trees and design like nature.

Plan and section
Pip Cheshire finds the world of creative endeavour is one sometimes beset with angst, false starts, revisions and abandoned variations.

Opinion:The issue of unpaid internships
Daniel K. Brown, Prof. of Design at Wellington School of Architecture, writes on this controversial topic and uncovers the murky ethics surrounding it.

A complex ecology
Karamia Müller discusses the impact of economic policy on housing policy and the complex ecology that ensues.

The size of things
Pip Cheshire on how to navigate the betterment of public spaces “our new living rooms” with measuring tape in hand and an observant eye.

To review or listen?
Karamia Müller on the role of the architectural reviewer to not only appraise architecture based on its design merits but its wider transformative impact.

Living history
Architecture New Zealand editor Chris Barton on the ensuing debacle recently imposed housing intensification regulations will unleash on residential areas in Auckland city.

Time to dream no small dreams
Pip Cheshire says it is time to dream big if we are to realise a bold future for housing our whānau in Aotearoa.

What we think is what we draw
Karamia Müller urges us to keep the housing crisis foregrounded as an issue that requires everyone’s action.

Opinion: Safe neighbourhoods
Pip Cheshire says it’s time we set about creating safe, supportive, resilient and regenerative neighbourhoods.

Editorial: Deploy the fence
Chris Barton considers the nature of occupation.

Editorial: Chris Barton on Vive la différence
Chris Barton finds refreshing views on what Aotearoa architecture can be in new TV series Designing Dreams

Opinion — Left behind: a Pacific story
Karamia Müller considers the housing shortage we have inherited because of the value we place on heritage

Opinion — Architecture: to love people and place
Karamia Müller looks forward to a return to people and place with a renewed sense of aroha.

Opinion: Off with my head!
Pip Cheshire recommends an industry-wide road map to survival and resilience.

Editorial: Chris Barton on no more blah, blah, blah
Rays of hope emanated from the COP26 ‘Build Better Now’ virtual pavilion, showcasing 17 “exemplary sustainable projects” and explaining the ways in which construction has contributed to climate change and how future buildings could be less carbon intensive.

Bolthole by the lake
Kengo Kuma and local surrogates Rough and Milne mastermind “hummocky” design for Peter Thiel’s proposed luxury lodge on the shores of Lake Wānaka.