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Exhibition: Oceanic Architectural Routes: The photographic archive of Mike Austin
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Mike Austin, known for his humility, would shrink from the title ‘Godfather of Pacific Architecture’, even if I use it in moderate jest. But there is truth in the ruse. Parsing the canon of Pacific ar...

Objectspace presents Mike Austin’s photographic archive Oceanic Architectural Routes
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Oceanic Architectural Routes presents the photographic archive of Mike Austin – more than 1000 images taken during his travels in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, the Cook Island...

Kaikōrero: Dining and discourse
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Our class then included Rau Hoskins and Albert L Refiti, with the indigenous project present as a subtext to our learning. But first things first: can we talk about your mother, Dame Aroha Reriti-Crofts...

Indigenous knowledge to tackle climate change
Practice |
Interviewees across the 10 episodes include AUT’s Professor Albert Refiti (School of Art & Design) and School of Future Environments Associate Professors Amanda Yates and Fleur Palmer, and lecturer Siby...

“Collaborative and holisitic”: Interior Awards 2021 Supreme winner
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Writing about the project in the May/June 2021 issue of Architecture NZ, Albert Refiti says, "What started out in 2006 as cross-cultural space-making has been transformed into a space for decolonisation...

Design for waterfront Fale Malae takes shape
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Albert Refiti, associate professor at AUT and research leader in the field of Pacific spatial and architectural environments, and fine artist Michel Tuffery, represents a significant step forward in the...

Announcing the F. Gordon Wilson Fellowship shortlist
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The team, made up of Albert Refiti, Charmaine 'Ilaiū, Rau Hoskins, Joanna Jack, Elyjana Roache and Tau Lelaulu are committed to addressing the housing inequities affecting their communities. Their proje...

Discover Ōtautahi through its architecture
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Open Christchurch begins with a special evening lecture at Te Puna Wānaka on Friday 3 May from Professor Albert Refiti that considers the history and presence of Pacific architecture across the Moana an...

Crossing Thresholds: Open Christchurch 2024
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We were taken across oceans and home again with the opening event, a lecture by Professor Albert L Refiti on the ‘Roots and Routes of Pacific Architecture’, held at Te Puna Wānaka. The value of integrat...

Architecture Week returns for 2022, with events in both Tāmaki Makaurau and Te Tai Tokerau
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Monday 19 September / Ockham Lecture: Albert Refiti — What is Pacific Architecture? *SOLD OUT* Doors open at 5:30pm, Lecture begins at 6:00pm. Event details here. Venue: Objectspace, 13 Rose Road, Grey ...

Te Ao Mārama: Ripe and bursting at the seams
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For Māori and Pacific people, ingoa or names have played a crucial role in social and cultural systems for fixing the world, ever since Rangi (sky) and Papa (land) were disengaged in a primordial stru...

Design for decolonisation
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I also participated in a public panel discussion at Tāmaki Paenga Hira, referencing Dr Albert Refiti’s recent provocation: He Taonga Māori: The ‘space for decolonisation to begin?’ It was chaired by P...

Building Tonga’s Western fale
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Albert Refiti, Samoan architectural theorist; Talanoa discussion in Auckland; 16 April 2009. Helen Boutell and Ian Campbell, Tukulaumea: The Long Civil Wars, Book 3 (Kingdom of Tonga: Taulua Press, 1992...

Te Ao Mārama: A new order
Projects |
In part one of the Te Ao Mārama series, Albert Refiti discusses the vitality of naming, the cross-cultural myth-histories and the moana architecture of the refurbishment. Read more here......

Te Ao Mārama: Exit at the hokohoko
Projects |
In part one of the Te Ao Mārama series, Albert Refiti discusses the vitality of naming, the cross-cultural myth-histories and the moana architecture of the refurbishment. Read more here… / Part two of t...

Opinion: Change is difficult
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Albert Refiti is my partner and the father of my two children, born in 1998 and 2001. When they were young, he and I worked hard to maintain our ideology of sharing ‘work’ and ‘care’ equally, in an effo...

Transcolonisation: 1990–2020
Practice |
This article allows me to calibrate my relationship to the architecture of Aotearoa New Zealand between 1990 and 2020 via flashbacks and ‘Fast Forwards’. Many architectural epochs don’t last 30 years ...

On the Rise: John Belford-Lelaulu
People |
There have also been other people such as Albert Refiti and Rau Hoskins, who have also been mentors. I know it’s a bunch of men but… they’re all Pasifika and Māori and they’ve all gone out and pursued a...