Tag: Housing
Kiwi practice winners in NSW Housing competition
The winning proposals, including one from Kiwi practice Spacecraft Architects, will shape the future of Australian housing by providing templates for faster approval within NSW.

CoHoHui 2025 will investigate the future of Housing in Aotearoa New Zealand
Aotearoa’s collective housing conference, CoHoHui 2025, will be hosted at Ara Institute of Canterbury, in Christchurch, on April 15, 16 and 17 2025.

Going for growth
Karamia Müller considers the current coalition government’s strategy for addressing the housing supply crisis and questions why we can’t treat housing as a basic human right.

Ticking all the boxes
Chris Barton considers the state of our public housing and the vocal opinions on the “Chinese container-style”.

Not strong enough
Annabelle Smith gains insight into the challenges ahead for sustainable construction at the 2024 Housing Summit.

Unmissable CPD-approved sessions at BuildNZ 2024
Partner content: BuildNZ returns 25–26 June, with a curated and impressive schedule of speaker panels, industry sessions, and workshops across the two-day event.

‘Oh Vienna’ Where do we live tomorrow?
Architecture Workshop’s Christopher Kelly examines Vienna’s ‘affordability of everyday life’ and recommends an amalgam of solutions to New Zealand’s housing crisis.

‘Housing is a public good’ yeah? Nah
Christopher Kelly asks: What are we trying to achieve in the housing market and does anyone in power really want to achieve it?

Housing Summit 2024
The New Zealand Green Building Council Housing Summit will take place on Wednesday 22 May at the Aotea Centre, Auckland.

The Superhome Movement: Q&A with Bob Burnett
Editor of ArchitectureNow Jacinda Rogers, talks to Bob Burnett about his passion for better housing in New Zealand and how this led him to the Superhome Movement.

Fifteen cigarettes a day
Karamia Müller ponders New Zealand’s housing crisis and its connection with a decreased lifespan, and after discussion with former tutor Graeme Burgess, arrives at a possible solution.

CoHo Hui 3: Tickets available now
Aotearoa’s collective housing conference CoHo Hui is back for 2023! Hosted by The Housing Innovation Society and the AUT School of Future Environments.

Courtyard housing: a mid-density alternative
David Turner writes on an often overlooked housing typology in New Zealand, and lays out why the courtyard housing type deserves a look.

Walls to Live Beside, Rooms to Own
Life at home and housing in Aotearoa: A new exhibition at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki opening 3rd September. Admission is free.

The NZIA challenges H1/AS1 delays
“Living in damp, mouldy, poorly ventilated homes is making New Zealanders sick. In some cases it’s killing us,” architect and Professional Practice Director Marcus Hogan wrote in June last year.

State housing: The new generation
Peddlethorp’s Manuel Diaz explores the changing face of state housing in New Zealand and reflects on the firm’s work on recent community housing projects.

In Focus: Building smarter (part two)
Explore two more alternative methods of construction that may help us on the path to building homes for a brighter future.

Six rules for housing design in the city
Unitec School of Architecture lecturer David Turner shares his design principles for higher-density housing when the occupant-user is not known to the architect.

Whānau-focused: Kāinga Tuatahi Housing
Big angular roofs cloak 30 homes designed by Stevens Lawson Architects for a significant site owned by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.

Eclectic precinct: Vinegar Lane
In the heart of Ponsonby, an exciting new project offers a unique proposition in terms of mixed-use, medium-density housing.