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Border Region Research, Estudio Teddy Cruz.

Border Region Research, Estudio Teddy Cruz.

A number of local architectural types have been invited to participate in the upcoming 5th Auckland Triennial, themed ‘If you were to live here…’ by the Triennial’s international curator, Hou Hanru.

Five teams of academics, students and architects are being led by The University of Auckland’s Andrew Barrie, his colleague Kathy Waghorn, working with American architect Teddy Cruz, Oh.No.Sumo founder Sarosh Mulla, Unitec’s Rau Hoskins, and AUT’s Albert Refiti and Elvon Young. They will contribute to a design-based open laboratory called The Lab, which will be located at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki.

The teams will mount a series of rolling exhibitions and public events, all presented in a specially designed space designed by Mike Davis and Sara Lee, both of The University of Auckland.

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