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Susanne Hofmann - The Baupiloten


Many Schools of Architecture strive to get practical experience for their students but it can be difficult to achieve. Since 2003 architect Susanne Hofmann has led the Baupiloten, a joint venture between her architectural firm and the Technical University of Berlin. The Baupiloten operates as a studio in which projects from her office are worked on collaboratively by architects, engineers and students.

The benefits are clear for the University and students; the development of both teamwork skills and competence through practical experience in each phase of design, construction and management. But the benefits for clients, builders and architectural practitioners involve the application of high level research from university staff and senior students enabling a multi-faceted interdisciplinary network to be brought to bear on each project. The Baupiloten is also a vehicle for greater community consultation and involvement in design. Not surprisingly, many of the projects that have been carried out are educational, such as kindergartens and schools, as well as urban design and environmental initiatives.

Talk is between 6pm - 7pm.

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